
Communiaction is both Communication and Action.

Have a conversation and…

  • enjoy the experience
  • share something that may help someone else
  • receive something that may help you
  • be inspired to have more conversations

Conversations are the best way to change the world… 

having conversations is the driving force for any kind of change… conversation is the most powerful lever for behaviour change… behaviour change really comes out of human interaction and conversations
Dr Renee Lertzman

one of the most important things you can do is understand why people who aren’t like you feel the way they do… And learn to talk to them effectively. What we need are thousands, even millions, of everyday conversations…
adapted from Dr Rebecca Huntley

… action begins with something so simple we often overlook it: talking about it. Not dumping more fear-based facts… on people who are already worried (and paralysed by that worry), but sharing from the heart why it matters to you and me — how it affects the things, places, and people we love
adapted from Katharine Hayhoe

The first step to doing anything about everything is a conversation. Prove us wrong.