Evolvelove is about having enjoyable, informative and inspiring conversations. Join these conversations, share your thoughts and listen to what others have to say. 

21st and 25th July: Beyond Racism

Laura Tingle’s recent description of Australia as a racist nation has once again ignited a discussion about racism. For information and bookings CLICK HERE.

18th and 20th Aug: What’s with Princesses and 4WD utes?!

Come and join a conversation about princesses and utes such as the 6.7L RAM Laramie. For more information and bookings CLICK HERE 

15th and 17th Sep: The Australian Dream of Home Ownership

Share your thoughts and experiences on the dream to outrightly own a home. For more information and bookings CLICK HERE 

Anytime: Intro Convo

A 15 minute introductory conversation in which we’ll introduce ourselves and talk about how conversations change the world. For more information and bookings CLICK HERE