Clint Catalyst

CLINT stands for Curious Listening Interwoven with Numinous Talking.

Conversations are our greatest evolutionary tool. They are the starting point for doing anything about everything. They are our most powerful lever for change. The thing is… conversations are way less about a topic and way more about the way we talk with each other. 

Follow these steps for having enjoyable, informative and inspiring conversations: 

Step 1: Pick a topic

Step 2: Think of all the things you really want to say about the topic… and DON’T say them

Step 3: Ask questions. Ask each person in turn how they FEEL about the topic and their THOUGHTS related to those feelings. After which it is critically important that all other people just LISTEN. They don’t interrupt. They resist the urge to reply, argue, console and/or fix. They listen with curiosity to understand where a person is coming from. 

Step 4: Once everyone has had a turn to share their FEELINGS and THOUGHTS, give each person a fixed amount of time to ask questions of others ONLY relating to what others have shared. 

 Step 5: Go back to Step 3 OR just go free style!