Intro Convo Feedback Survey

Thanks so much for taking part in an Intro Convo. 

We are all up for evolution, so we’d really appreciate your reflections and comments about your Intro Convo experience… 

e.g. on the phone; Zoom; at the Flying Saucer Cafe in Bentleigh Victoria


You may have talked about these in your conversation…
The Heineken “World’s Apart” Ad
It’s a great demonstration of how people with radically different beliefs can come together and share a conversation
Sociocracy helps us make inclusive, collaborative decisions by listening to everyone’s voices

We are a profit-for-purpose community organisation. The best way to support our mission is to buy & use our Products.

That helps us financially. And it helps us all have the conversations we’re not having because all our Products are designed to initiate and maintain conversations i.e.
wearing and using our merch will start conversations
open a bottle of wine and open a conversation with the tips on each bottle label
art is a fantastic way to get people talking
roadtrips are a great way to have conversations
join a conversation relating to a critical topic


If you enjoyed your experience, please encourage others to sign up for an Intro Convo.