Sustainability & Business-As-Usual-Consumerism

To start a conversation, read out the thoughts below and/or write your own…

In 2023 the world population was 8 billion. We would require approximately 1.5 Earths to sustain our current economy  i.e. we need 50% more Earth to keep going with ‘business-as-usual’. By 2037 the global population  is estimated to reach 9 billion… further increasing the number of Earths required based on current consumption. In addition, most governments, banks, businesses and individuals focus on the need for financial growth. Further increasing the number of Earths required. That said. Some suggest it is possible to have a steady state economy i.e. an economy without growth.

Now ask everyone in turn, to share their feelings, thoughts, and actions in response to what has been read out.

And please suggest your edits and/or additions for this page…