The Australian Dream Conversation

For this conversation, we’ll define the Australian Dream as outrightly owning a home. 

Back in the 1950’s the Australian Dream was a happy couple on a quarter-acre block with a Holden in the driveway and 3.2 children playing in the backyard. We’ll discuss what the Australian Dream looks like these days and some of the factors underlying it e.g. 

  • land ownership & land title
  • housing affordability & housing supply
  • negative gearing & capital gains tax
  • immigration & occupancy rates
  • interest rates & cost of living

Join us for an enjoyable, informative and inspiring conversation and share your thoughts and experiences about the Australian Dream. 

COST: Free or ‘pay-as-you-please’ after the conversation
BOOKINGS: Yes… essential 

Sun 15th Sep 2024 – MELB CBD

4-6 pm
A walk’n’talk in Melbourne CBD
Participants: maximum 12

Tue 17th Sep 2024 – ZOOM

Participants: maximum 6

For more information and bookings, please complete this form… 

NOTE: your email address will only be used to organise this conversation… it won’t be shared and you won’t get spam from us.
NOTE: your number will only be used to organise this conversation… it won’t be shared and you won’t get spam from us.

Thanks for expressing your interest…we’ll be in contact ASAP with details.