Let’s Drink To That

Let’s be honest… looking at life on Earth can be pretty grim. 





  • you don’t have time
  • you don’t trust us
  • you’re not that interested
  • the barista has just called out your coffee order
  • you’re cynical about $100,000 being part of this Intro Convo


  • you are curious
  • you like finishing things
  • someone said you should do it
  • you’re enjoying the read
  • you want to know how $100,000 is part of this Intro Convo

A great starting point is having an introductory conversation. It’s a 15 minute conversation in which we introduce ourselves and share some ideas, suggestions, stories and resources for having the conversations we are not having. Including agreeing on what to do with $100,000!

NOTE: your email address will only be used to organise an Intro Convo… it won’t be shared and you won’t get spam from us.
NOTE: your phone number will only be used to organise an Intro Convo… it won’t be shared and you won’t get spam from us.

Office Use Only: OK

If you’ve completed an Intro Convo and are looking for the Intro Convo Feedback Survey please click here.